Latest News
- December 2022 – SBS has translated news into several languages. Please see more for news in your language.
- December 2022 – Access to Oral Treatments in Australia for non-residents. Check your eligibility here.
6 steps to avoid Covid-19
It is important that we, as individuals, support the prevention process by having good hygiene principles, which include:
- be in a well-ventilated space indoors if you possibly can or wear a mask if you cannot ensure ventilation;
- cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze with your elbow or handkerchief;
- wash your hands frequently with soap and water, including before and after eating or going to the bathroom;
- get tested if you are symptomatic at all;
- if eligible, have access to those medicines that you can take to help protect you from severe illness;
- be up to date with any vaccine that you are still eligible for.
CHO Brett Sutton details the six steps you can take to stay ahead of COVID.
How Can MWV Assist you!
MWV created several online resources for you within this website and also on our YouTube Channel. Our outreach team is here to help you to connect with services as the need arises.
Please send us an email to if you need to contact us for support.
Support to Temporary Visas
International Students: “Study Melbourne” – Can support you! Look here!
- December 2022 – MWV recorded videos in several languages with new COVID prevention information. Click here.
COVID-19 Useful Links
Direct Line – COVID19: (1800 675 398)Federal Government
- Dept of Health (Daily Information)
- Department of Home Affairs
Victorian Government
- Dept of Health and Human Services
- Study Melbourne
- Business Victoria
- Consumer Affairs – International Students
- Victoria Multicultural Commission
- Ethnic Community Council of Victoria
- $ 250 Power Saving Bonus